Posts Tagged ‘Cortelyou Greenmarket’

Inspiration from the Cortelyou Farmers’ Market

November 16, 2009


Last Sunday we decided to set up at small table near the Cortelyou Farmers’ Market to promote our art note cards, Brooklyn poster and our new venture, Small World Pet Sitters. I always feel a little shy at first but once we start talking to people we felt more at home. Our note cards and poster was supported, thank you, and in return we supported some of the farmers and their produce. We brought home a delicious olive and onion focaccia, a bag of apples and a container of apple cider. Yesterday we set up again and it was another beautiful day. We left with a dozen large brown eggs, a crusty loaf of bread that was meant for our community garden (Campus Road Community Garden at Brooklyn College) pot luck lunch, and later made it to our kitchen table, and a bag of apples. Above is the before picture and the two below are the after pictures as they made their way to our stomachs this morning for breakfast. My husband wanted his plate photographed to show that his meal was better because of the jalepeno pepper he eats with all his food.

